Sunday 11 November 2012

Sydney Trip Nov 2012

I'm a believer in boys being welcomed into the world of men around age 13/14 rather than being left to vegetate in the post-industrial malaise known as teenage-hood (is it known as that? Well, something similar). I believe it's the job of Dads and other significant adult males in the young man's world to "initiate" him around that age, speaking wise and affirming words into his soul, leading him in challenges, helping him recognise his strengths to give him confidence. Part of this I reckon is at least one big physical challenge.

My poor Oldest Son got his Dad running around the city for the Melbourne City Romp with him just after his 13th, (oh and a bass guitar). Youngest Son (turning 13 when we had more $$) gets a trip to Sydney Harbour Bridge to test his mettle (and mine!) ...

It was a privilege the past three days to get to know youngest son as a young man and to experience the thrills of a Harbour Bridge climb, Luna Park and a nasty Sydney storm at Bondi Beach (where even Prince Charles was running for cover). What follows is the inevitable barrage of photos. Endure it if you dare...

Young Guy: "I'm gonna climb that thing with this bloke? Maybe I should reconsider..."


Official proof we made it.

One of the best pizzas ever created. And a Chicken Brachiosaurus (or something like that) to die for.

A magnificent Panna Whatta...oh, sorry, Panna Cotta . Youngest Son actually knew what this was, ordered it, gave me a five minute explanation about how they make it, and thereby introduced to me a dessert like no other.

Another selfie by the bloke with the camera. These magnificent purple (Jacarandas??) were everywhere in Sydney and in some places where they dominated were simply stunning.

Storm over Bondi. Less than a minute later we were running for cover in the pavillion along with about 5000 other people.

Half an hour later and it's blue skies over Bondi. And they say Melbourne's weather is changeable!

And one more shot of the tool with the camera.
And one last selfie for the collection (while I await Youngest Son who's on a Luna Park ride).

1 comment:

  1. Pete, sounds like a worthwhile adventure for all involved! Well done, Dad!
